Day 10, Paris, September 29th

Running out of things to do in Paris, but another easy day because of it.

Woke up, had breakfast and said goodbye to our German roommates (they left today).  They headed over to the Musee d'orsee.

I've never really liked art museums (or paintings in general), and with my feet hurting, so many art museums seen, and so many to go, I didn't really care for it.  There were some great statues though, and I enjoyed 4 or 5 of the paintings.  I came up with a chant to sustain myself:

"Art! Art!
Look at all the art!
Art is everywhere,
Look at all the art!"

After the musee, we grabbed lunch.  For pre-lunch I had a lemon juice and sugar crepe, which was one of the best sweet Crepes I have ever had.  Now, to the Tulliers!

We crossed over a bridge which had thousands of locks clipped onto it.  The idea is you write you and your lovers' name on the lock, clip it onto the railing, and throw the key in the river.  Great idea.

We then sat in the Tuileries and read for about an hour.  We also watched seagulls, ducks and pigeons dive bomb each other.  I'm a little over half of the way through Pillars of the earth, and Reiter just started through the looking glass on my nook.

After that, we walked to Place de la Concorde, a big square where a king if Egypt gave a king of France an obelisk from the temple of Luxor!  We then walked along that famous street, Champs Élysées.  Realizing that we live in Monte Mar and could cross that off our list, we decided to do a boat tour.  We walked along the water to the boats, and saw all sorts of things with kids playing on them: rock climbing, tether ball, basketball for adults.  I don't think it was permanent stuff, but it was cool.

We got on the boat tour pretty quick, and it was an hour loop up to The Eiffel Tower, then back past notre dame, then back to port. The pre-recorded narration was funny.  There was only time for one line about each landmark, because the same line played in French, English, German, Spanish, Mandarin, and Japanese.  So the narrator was talking for most of the trip, but we only go commentary for 1/6th of it. Ah well.

We walked around for quite a while looking for a cheap and good place to eat, and it started to rain.  Luckily we had brought rain coats, so we donned them and continued on.

We got dinner at a place near the river and waited about an hour an a half for our food.  Then, we headed home.  Walking back we went into an arcade.  You know that game where you take a hammer and hit a panel as hard as you can?  They have that for soccer, with a soccer ball!  They actually had. Lot of cool stuff, but it was a bit pricy so we moved on.

In Blister Blog news, I noticed that something was strange about a blister I drained.  I took off some remaining skin to find another blister underneath.  Amazing!

Off to Venice tomorrow!


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