Day 5, London, September 24th

Today wasn't the best planned, but oh well.  We woke up at 7, went back to sleep for some reason, then woke up at 7:40.  We then sped walked for 25 minutes only to miss our 8:40 train because somebody told us the wrong platform and our own general incompetence.  We settled down, had breakfast, then caught the 9:50 train to Canterbury cathedral.  Arrived at 11, paid and saw the cathedral sans tour.  Had lunch w/ terrible warm english beer at a pub, then caught train to East Waterloo.  Then caught hour long train to Windsor, and arrived at Windsor castle at 5.  It closes at 5:15, so they didn't even let us into the grounds.  Sad.  Caught train back to London.  On the train we tried to buy tickets for the London Eye, but by the time we got service they had sold out.  Dinner at Southbank Centre and walked around, then walked to and crossed Millennium Bridge.  Lovely night, saw outside of gigantic Tate modern.  Then saw outside of St. Paul cathedral - which is one of the most impressive buildings I've ever seen!  Why is it not better publicized?

Anyway, now off to laundry for two hours, then Paris tomorrow.


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