Day 12, Venice, October 1st

Now we are in a different country!

Woke up without backaches despite questionable bed.   Went to San Marco, went to top of bell tower.  Amazing view, very glad we did that.  Then went to San Marco Basilica - great!  It was like a pagan roman temple, but for Jesus!  Mosaics all over the walls.  Went up on balcony area too.

Walked east along water, got Gelato. Walked to "gardin" where there was a modern art expo, but it was too expensive. Then, Reiter dropped our map in the ocean!  So started walking back.

Got lunch, taunted some pigeons,

(Rest cut off?  This is from memory now:  We took a water bus to Murano as it was closing, got a little lost and would up in a residential cul-de-sac. Then took waterbus back.  Waterbuses are lovely.  Caught dinner somewhere.  Reiter asked for the tortellini with no ham and the waiter was totally incredulous.  Then wandered around trying to find the synagogue.  This was very difficult as we realized that the area around the synagogue was gated at night.  Ran into a bunch of Jews in the ghetto though. Heard a few very Jewish songs drifting through the windows.  It was fun)


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